Barcelona City Council approves the new PEUAT
On January 26th, 2022, the agreement for the definitive approval of the Pla especial urbanístic per a la regulació dels establiments d’allotjament turístic, albergs de joventut, habitatges d’ús turístic, llars compartides i residències col-lectives docents d’allotjament temporal a la ciutat de Barcelona was published in the Barcelona provincial gazette (BOPB).
This special Plan, which was approved at the Plenary session of the City Council on December 23th, 2021, is an update of the 2017 PEUAT, which was annulled in 2019 by various rulings of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, due to an insufficient economic-financial analysis.
The new PEUAT, which has a very similar structure and systematics to the 2017 PEUAT (general requirements of radial distance, linear distance, street sections, non-existence of dwellings as of 1/7/2015, entire building, 8-meter wide street and requirements for each specific zone, specific treatment area and main axes), introduces some important modifications with respect to the document that was submitted for initial approval in February 2021 (and which we analysed in this note), especially, with regard to dwellings for tourist use (viviendas de uso turístico) and shared homes (hogares compartidos). The most important of these are listed below:
- The regulation of dwellings for tourist use and shared homes has been unified in a single chapter of the regulation (Chapter V).
- Regarding shared homes, the regulation of the initial approval has been modified in the sense of admitting their implementation through the conversion of existing dwellings for tourist use, under certain conditions.
- The authorisations that cover the development of the activity of dwellings for tourist use and shared homes are not transferable.
- In addition, in the aforementioned Chapter V, it is established that the regulation for the exercise of dwellings for tourist use and home-sharing activities will be made by a municipal ordinance that will make it mandatory to review or to modify the PEUAT from time to time.
- It is clarified that the request for the previous PEUAT report is optional.
The new PEUAT, which came into force on the day of its publication, can be appealed before the contentious-administrative jurisdiction until March 26th, 2022.
All the PEUAT documentation can be consulted at the following link:–/–/ap/