The General Court largely confirms the Commission’s decision finding that Google imposed unlawful restrictions on manufacturers of Android mobile devices and mobile network operators in order to consolidate the dominant position of its search engine (Case T-604/18 – Google Android)

The European Union’s General Court (General Court) has rejected Google’s appeal against the Commission’s decision of July 18th 2018 by which the technological giant was sanctioned with a fine of €4.343 million for abusing its dominant position, in relation to the obligation that Google imposed on the manufacturers of mobile devices to preinstall the general…

The Comissió de Territori de Catalunya has initially approved the Urbanistic Director Plan of revision of non-sustainable lands of the Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar littoral

In the context of the protection task of the Catalan coast from the excessive urbanization, the Vice-presidency, Digital Policies and Territory Department has initially approved the Urbanistic Director Plan of revision of non-sustainable lands of the Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar littoral, which affects to 41 municipalities from the regions of Maresme, Garraf, Baix Penedès,…

The Galician Competition Commission analyses the impact on competition of the extension of public service concessions by local entities

The Galician Competitioncom Commission (CGC) has published a working document in which it analyses how public action, through public service concessions and extensions of such administrative concessions, can affect competition and sets out a series of guidelines to achieve adequate tendering. This document has been published in the framework of an initiative launched by National…

The Catalan Competition Authority has opened a public call for companies to apply for the award of grants for the financing of compliance programmes in the field of competition.

On June 17th2022, Resolution of June 10th2022, of the President of the Catalan Competition Authority’s (ACCO), was published in the Official Journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC), opening the deadline to apply for public subsidies to finance companies’ competition compliance programmes for which they can apply until July 29th 2022. The main purpose of…