Barcelona City Council announces new developments concerning the application of Decree-law 3/2023, on urgent measures on the urban planning regime for tourist accommodation and the modification of the PGM for obtaining public subsidised housing

Decree-law 3/2023, on urgent measures on the urban planning regime for tourist accommodation (hereinafter DL 3/2023), approved on 7 November, regulates tourist accommodation in a total of 262 municipalities in Catalonia, including Barcelona. All of them are municipalities that either present problems of access to housing or have more than 5 tourist flats per 100…

Barcelona City Council initially approved the specific modification of the special plan for the uses of activities linked to home delivery.

On April 16, 2024, the agreement of the Government Commission of April 4 of the same year was published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona (BOPB), which initially approves the specific modification of the Special Plan for the uses of activities linked to home delivery. The amendment document is in the public…

The Generalitat definitively approves the urban master plan for the revision of the unsustainable land of the coast from Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar

After a process of more than 2 years, on the 19th of January 2024, it was published in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya) the urban master plan for the revision of the unsustainable land of the coast of Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar. The main…

New regulation of touristic accommodation in 262 Catalan municipalities: Decree Law 3/2023, of 7 November

Decree Law 3/2023, of 7 November, on urgent measures on the urban planning regime for touristic short stay furnished accommodation was published in the Official Journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya on Wednesday 8th November. This Decree-Law, which came into force the day after its publication, represents a very important change in the regulation of…

The CNMC approves the criteria that will govern the prohibition of companies from contracting with the public sector when they distort competition

The CNMC has approved Communication 1/2023, of 13 June, which establishes the general criteria that the CNMC will take into account to determine the scope and duration of the prohibition to contract with the public sector. The Public Sector Contracts Act (Ley de Contratos del Sector Público, LCSP) includes a prohibition on contracting with companies…