Consequences of the annulment of the Real Decreto 668/2022, for the modification of the General Coastal Regulation.

The judgment of the Supreme Court number 484/2024, of January 31st, has declared the nullity of the Real Decreto 668/2022, of August 1st, for the modification of the General Coastal Regulation approved by the Real Decreto 876/2014, of October 10th, considering the concurrence of a procedural flaw consisting of the omission of the public consultation…

The Generalitat definitively approves the urban master plan for the revision of the unsustainable land of the coast from Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar

After a process of more than 2 years, on the 19th of January 2024, it was published in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya) the urban master plan for the revision of the unsustainable land of the coast of Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar. The main…

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge is processing the Maritime Space Plans, which are pending approval after being submitted for public information.

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge is processing the Maritime Space Plans for the five Spanish marine demarcations, which must be approved by the State Government once they have been submitted for public information, together with the Strategic Environmental Study for 45 working days, which ended on 8 September. The planning of…