The CNMC approves the criteria that will govern the prohibition of companies from contracting with the public sector when they distort competition

The CNMC has approved Communication 1/2023, of 13 June, which establishes the general criteria that the CNMC will take into account to determine the scope and duration of the prohibition to contract with the public sector. The Public Sector Contracts Act (Ley de Contratos del Sector Público, LCSP) includes a prohibition on contracting with companies…

The latest reform of the Law on public sector contracts regulates a summary procedure to enable contracting authorities and competition authorities to detect collusive practices in public procurement procedures.

The General State Budget Law for the year 2023, which has recently come into force, has introduced a modification in Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts (LCSP) that regulates the procedure by which, in public procurement procedures, the contracting body has to transfer to the competition authorities any well-founded indication of collusive…

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU in Case C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies and Others extends the protection of legal professional privilege. In the context of combatting aggressive tax planning, a lawyers’ obligation to inform other intermediaries involved is not necessary and infringes the right to respect for communications with his or her client.

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has issued a very significant judgement on the principle of legal professional privilege that will likely have an impact in investigations by European authorities, including in the competition law and regulatory fields. The judgement examines the validity of an EU law designed to discourage aggressive tax…

Girona City Council initially approves a specific modification of the General Plan to regulate and limit the implementation of tourist accommodation and home-sharing

On 14 November 2022, Girona City Council’s Plenary initially approved the proposed “Specific modification of the General Plan for the regulation of tourist accommodation”, which will be subject to public information until 19 December, during which time allegations may be submitted. This proposed modification of the General Plan aims to regulate and limit the implementation…

The Catalan Competition Authority has opened a public call for companies to apply for the award of grants for the financing of compliance programmes in the field of competition.

On June 17th2022, Resolution of June 10th2022, of the President of the Catalan Competition Authority’s (ACCO), was published in the Official Journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC), opening the deadline to apply for public subsidies to finance companies’ competition compliance programmes for which they can apply until July 29th 2022. The main purpose of…