The Urban master plan for the review of unsustainable land on the Girona coastline (“Pla director urbanistic de revisió dels sòls no sostenibles del litoral gironí”) could not declassify sectors of land for development and areas of urban land, nor establish an urban development classification for the declassified land, according to the High Court of Justice of Catalonia in the first rulings handed down in relation to this master plan.

The High Court of Justice of Catalonia (hereafter, TSJC) has handed down the first judgments resolving contentious-administrative appeals lodged against the Urban master plan for the review of unsustainable land on the Girona coastline (from now on, PDURSNS_LG), finally approved by agreement of the Territorial Commission of Catalonia on 28 January 2021 (published in the…

Girona City Council initially approves a specific modification of the General Plan to regulate and limit the implementation of tourist accommodation and home-sharing

On 14 November 2022, Girona City Council’s Plenary initially approved the proposed “Specific modification of the General Plan for the regulation of tourist accommodation”, which will be subject to public information until 19 December, during which time allegations may be submitted. This proposed modification of the General Plan aims to regulate and limit the implementation…

El Tribunal Supremo concluye que la implantación de un establecimiento comercial no constituye una actuación de transformación urbanística de dotación.

En la Sentencia de 11 de octubre de 2016, el Tribunal Supremo ratifica una anterior Sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cataluña, de 10 de junio de 2015, que anuló una modificación puntual del Plan general de ordenación urbana del municipio de Girona que tenía por objeto la adaptación de los usos comerciales en…