The General Court largely confirms the Commission’s decision finding that Google imposed unlawful restrictions on manufacturers of Android mobile devices and mobile network operators in order to consolidate the dominant position of its search engine (Case T-604/18 – Google Android)

The European Union’s General Court (General Court) has rejected Google’s appeal against the Commission’s decision of July 18th 2018 by which the technological giant was sanctioned with a fine of €4.343 million for abusing its dominant position, in relation to the obligation that Google imposed on the manufacturers of mobile devices to preinstall the general…

The General Court of the European Union upholds the €2.42 billion penalty imposed on Google for the abuse of a dominant position (Case T-612/17 Google and Alphabet v Commission – Google Shopping).

The General Court of the European Union (“GC”) has dismissed the appeal brought by tech giant Google against the European Commission’s (“Commission”) decision fining it €2.42 billion, in 2017, for abusing its dominant position that it holds in the market for internet search services by favouring its product comparison service to the detriment of its…