The Supreme Court determines that the competence or management of the public service of water supply to a municipality can be relinquished or delegated to a consortium composed by the Provincial Council and the Town Halls of the municipalities of the province. STS 844/2022, June 29th.

The Supreme Court, in the sentence number 844/2022, June 29th, pronounces itself about the question of if the service of water supply and distribution can be transferred or delegated to a provincial consortium; if this consortium can be considered a form of vertical or horizontal cooperation between public sector entities; and if the adjudication of…

The Catalan Competition Authority publishes Recommendations for the regulation of shared transport from a competition perspective.

Shared mobility (mope sharing, bike sharing, scooter sharing, etc.) is leading many city councils to regulate their use. The Catalan Competition Authority (ACCO) has published a working document describing the main challenges resulting from public intervention in this sector, where it formulates proposals for an efficient and pro-competitive regulation. The promotion of shared mobility is…

The Autonomous Community regulation on the resolution of urban planning discipline conflicts between Local Entities and the Autonomous Communities cannot disregard the provisions of the Law on the Bases of Local Regime.

Supreme Court ruling nº 930/2021, June 28 (rec. 1625/2020), deals with the resolution of urban planning discipline conflicts between Local Bodies and the Autonomous Communities. Specifically, it is debated whether the Autonomous Administration can establish a system of conflict resolution and control of legality with respect to the acts of Local Entities that is of…

The TSJC concludes that a City Council is competent to occasionally exempt the acoustic limitations provided in the Acoustic Capacity Map of the town, on the occasion of festivals and cultural events with a certain attachment.

The High Court of Justice of Catalonia, within the framework of a procedure in which certain residents had denounced the Town Hall because the noise immission levels allowed by the Acoustic Capacity Map had been exceeded on their property on the occasion of the town’s main festival, concluded that a Town Hall – in this…