The Spanish Supreme Court (TS) found the State, as legislator, to be financially liable in relation to the imposition of an administrative penalty in application of a legal provision that was subsequently found to be contrary to European Union law (Supreme Court decision of March 10, 2021)

The Catalan Government (Generalitat) imposed a fine of 20,001 Euros for infringement of the State Law on the Regulation of Retail Trade (LOCM) on a company belonging to the MEDIA MARKT group. Specifically, it was considered that the infringement provided for in Article 65.c) LOCM in relation to Article 14 of the same law, relating…

The Supreme Court recognizes the patrimonial responsibility of the Legislator State in relation to the Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land

The Supreme Court grants the judicial review proceedings regarding administrative action filed against a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers that rejected the claim of patrimonial responsibility of the Legislator State in relation to the Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land (increase in value) after the Constitutional Court Decision No. 59/2017, of…

Las limitaciones del derecho de propiedad derivadas de la delimitación de un yacimiento arqueológico son susceptibles de indemnización.

El Tribunal Supremo concluye en la Sentencia de 17 de febrero de 2016 (recurso de casación núm. 1321/2014) que las limitaciones del derecho de propiedad derivadas de la delimitación de un yacimiento arqueológico son susceptibles de indemnización, en concepto de responsabilidad patrimonial. La singularidad del caso radica en que el Alto Tribunal considera aplicables las…