Barcelona City Council announces new developments concerning the application of Decree-law 3/2023, on urgent measures on the urban planning regime for tourist accommodation and the modification of the PGM for obtaining public subsidised housing

Decree-law 3/2023, on urgent measures on the urban planning regime for tourist accommodation (hereinafter DL 3/2023), approved on 7 November, regulates tourist accommodation in a total of 262 municipalities in Catalonia, including Barcelona. All of them are municipalities that either present problems of access to housing or have more than 5 tourist flats per 100…

The Supreme Court rules on the mandatory reports of the State Administration in the processing of urban development plans that affect the maritime-terrestrial public domain and its protection zones and about the exercise of the autonomous administration’s power to protect urban development legality in the protection easement zone of the maritime-terrestrial public domain.

The Supreme Court has issued two relevant rulings on coastal matters; the first, ruling number 247/2024, of 13 February 2024, related to urban planning, and the second, ruling number 83/20024, of 19 January 2024, related to the exercise of the power to protect urban planning legality. In the first judgment, the Supreme Court points out…

The factual situation of the land may condition the choice of the type of strategic environmental assessment to be followed during the processing of urban planning instruments.

The environmental assessment is a procedure for incorporating the environmental dimension into strategic decision-making from the drafting stage of plans and programmes to foresee the effects that the projects and activities authorised under them may have. The environmental assessment is so important that its absence or deficiency leads to the nullity of the plan or…

The Urban master plan for the review of unsustainable land on the Girona coastline (“Pla director urbanistic de revisió dels sòls no sostenibles del litoral gironí”) could not declassify sectors of land for development and areas of urban land, nor establish an urban development classification for the declassified land, according to the High Court of Justice of Catalonia in the first rulings handed down in relation to this master plan.

The High Court of Justice of Catalonia (hereafter, TSJC) has handed down the first judgments resolving contentious-administrative appeals lodged against the Urban master plan for the review of unsustainable land on the Girona coastline (from now on, PDURSNS_LG), finally approved by agreement of the Territorial Commission of Catalonia on 28 January 2021 (published in the…

The Generalitat definitively approves the urban master plan for the revision of the unsustainable land of the coast from Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar

After a process of more than 2 years, on the 19th of January 2024, it was published in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya) the urban master plan for the revision of the unsustainable land of the coast of Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar. The main…