On January 29, 2021, the Barcelona City Council Government Commission initially approved the Pla Especial Urbanístic d’Allotjaments Turístics (PEUAT).

NOTE RELATING TO THE INITIAL APPROVAL OF BARCELONA’S PEUAT On January 29, 2021, the Barcelona City Council Government Commission initially approved the Pla Especial Urbanístic d’Allotjaments Turístics (PEUAT). The announcement was published on February 1, 2021 in the Butlletí Oficial de la Província de Barcelona (BOPB), and the intention of the municipal government is to…

The Supreme Court establishes that the lack of an economic sustainability report in the processing of any instrument of urban transformation actions, as long as they contemplate the installation of infrastructures that have to be paid or maintained by the public administrations, entails the nullity of such an instrument.

In the cassation appeal resolved by the Supreme Court, the Supplementary General Plan of Teror (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) was challenged because it had been approved without the report on economic sustainability required by the current article 22.4 of the consolidated text of the Land Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 7/2015, of 30…

The Supreme Court establishes the time limit for bringing an administrative action for the building permit annulment, in the exercise of public action in urban planning.

In the appeal in cassation decided by the Supreme Court, the question of objective interest for the formation of jurisprudence was to determine what is the time limit for bringing an administrative action for the building permit annulment, in the exercise of public action. The Supreme Court establishes that the time limit for the exercise…

Modification of the Urban Planning Regulations of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Development Plan regarding Barcelona car parks, definitively approved on September 18, 2018, published in the DOGC of 10-16-2018.

The Urban Planning Subcommittee of the municipality of Barcelona, in session of September 18, 2018, definitively approved the Modification of the urban planning regulations of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Development Plan (PGM) regarding Barcelona car parks, a modification that was published in the DOGC, for the purpose of its immediate enforceability, on October 16, 2018….

Urban planning instruments have been annulled by the Courts in application of “the principle of sustainable territorial and urban development”.

The High Court of Justice of Madrid, in its ruling of 15 December 2017, annulled the urban plan of Moraleja de Enmedio (Madrid) –which had been approved by administrative silence—, because it clearly violated the principle of sustainable territorial and urban development, as set out in article 3  of the Land and Urban Rehabilitation Act…