The Comissió de Territori de Catalunya has initially approved the Urbanistic Director Plan of revision of non-sustainable lands of the Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar littoral
In the context of the protection task of the Catalan coast from the excessive urbanization, the Vice-presidency, Digital Policies and Territory Department has initially approved the Urbanistic Director Plan of revision of non-sustainable lands of the Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar littoral, which affects to 41 municipalities from the regions of Maresme, Garraf, Baix Penedès, Tarragonès, Baix Camp, Baix Ebre and Montsià.
This instrument analyzes the planning of the different municipalities that can be found within this stretch of the coast –except the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona–, identifies the areas where it’s still possible to construct and revises them in conformity with sustainability criteria, such as if it affects to the protected natural areas or if the sector to be built is located in continuity to the urban core, among other criteria. In other words, basic aspects of sustainable development of urban extension lands are evaluated, and landscape adaptation of the ordination and the edification of the lands that are developed in isolated edification is searched.
Therefore, this Plan’s intention is to complete the group of director plans that want to adapt and improve the urbanistic sustainability of urban lands and sectors that are provided in the general planning of the municipalities that are comprehended within them, and these goals are to be achieved through two main types of actions: in one hand, by describing in detail which requisites of landscape integration will the sectors that are going to be urbanized and built from now on in the 41 municipalities comprehended within this Plan have to comply; and, in the other hand, verifying if the urbanization that is planned in 334 specific areas of 30 of these municipalities is considered sustainable or not, according to territorial, urbanistic, environmental, sectorial and landscape criteria.
The Vice-presidency, Digital Policies and Territory Department will open, since the publication of the Plan in the DOGC, a period of public information that will last 45 days for all the citizenship, to gather allegation that may be submitted and, once received –along with the corresponding reports– there will be a time period of one month to give audience to the directly concerned Councils, so they can participate in the redaction of the document.
The Urbanistic Director Plan of revision of non-sustainable lands of the Malgrat de Mar to Alcanar littoral has been initially approved in July 28th 2022. The definitive approval of this Plan is, approximately, going to happen, at the beginning of 2023, and it will come into force once it is published in the DOGC.
Documentació AI PDU de revisió dels sòls no sostenibles de Malgrat de Mar a Alcanar
L’expedient restarà a disposició de les persones interessades en qualsevol dels serveis territorials d’Urbanisme, de 9 a 14 hores, de dilluns a divendres feiners, a la pàgina web de Territori i Mobilitat del Departament de la Vicepresidència i de Polítiques Digitals i Territori ( i al Tauler Electrònic de la Generalitat de Catalunya (