The Supreme Court determines that the competence or management of the public service of water supply to a municipality can be relinquished or delegated to a consortium composed by the Provincial Council and the Town Halls of the municipalities of the province. STS 844/2022, June 29th.

The Supreme Court, in the sentence number 844/2022, June 29th, pronounces itself about the question of if the service of water supply and distribution can be transferred or delegated to a provincial consortium; if this consortium can be considered a form of vertical or horizontal cooperation between public sector entities; and if the adjudication of…

The Supreme Court specifies its jurisprudence regarding the extension of the effects of final judgments provided for in Article 110 of the Law on Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction (Supreme Court Judgment nº 1050/2022, July 20th).

The Supreme Court has ruled in the judgment number 1050/2022, July 20th, on the extension of the effects of final judgments provided for in article 110 of Law 19/1998, of July 13th, regulating contentious-administrative jurisdiction (hereinafter, LJCA). In the specific case, the appellant –a teacher hired as a temporary professor in the public school–had requested…

The Supreme Court confirms its jurisprudence on the possibility of indirectly contest a general rule through a direct the direct contestation of another general rule, but only if there is a hierarchical connection between both. SCS num. 1109/2022, July 28th.

On July 28th, the Supreme Court pronounced about the cassation appeal filed against the Sentence of the Superior Court of Justice of Canary Islands num. 70/2021, February 26th, which rejected the administrative appeal that was filed against the Agreement of the Plenary of Garafía Town Hall reached on April 29th, 2019, which approved the General…